Saturday, May 16, 2009


Okay so since I failed to post about my adventure last weekend, I decided to combine my two super epic weekends all into one post ^^

So last weekend Court, my parents, and I went down to LA for the Hollywood Bowl.

I think we left the house around 2AMish, so we didn't get there til like, 9-10AMish.
[PT.1 - in the car, on the way]

[PT.2 - @ San Antonio Winery]

We made a stop at the San Antonio Winery because apparently their wine's really good and it was the reason why my parents were willing to drive us all the way to LA--to buy some good wine >_> haha. But whatever, the man that helped us was nice, he gave Court and I a bottle of like, sparkling peach juice. It was fancy ;o haha ^^
Then after that, we went to go search for our hotel. Once we found it, we realized we couldn't check in til 2PM and it was like, 10AMish and my parents were hungry so we hung out at this one plaza at the corner of the street our hotel was on.

[PT.2.99 - Beverly Center randomness]

Soon after, Ben and Wonga met us at the corner plaza :D Funny meeting. But since Weenee was running late, we had to wait. Unfortunately, many of SoCal friends couldn't make it so we ended up just hanging out with Ben, Wonga and Weenee :D First, we went to the Beverley Center. Apparently nothing went as planned and we kind of just ran around doing nothing while people gave us weird looks :]

[PT.3 - "cat and mouse"]

So yeah, we pretty much did nothing but walk around because we didn't have time to watch a movie. And Weenee kept running away so we had to go look for him -.- lameoh d; Lalala and I attempted to steal Ben's domo hat (IFREAKINWANTIT D:) buttttt he ran after and caught me T_T Lol Wonga filmed it.

After that, we cruised around Ktown. And because Court and I hadn't eaten yet, we went out for lunch. We found this random Korean restaraunt and ate there. Lol lunch was interesting xD PORNO MANIA FTW! LOLOL.
We drove around Ktown for a bit then after that, we went to Chinatown. Chinatown was...amusing. POPWATCHUMACALLITS PWN :] haha. We had fun with those. But yeah, we kinda just walked around and chilled. Ben bought me boba :D

[PT.4 - ]

After Ctown, we didn't have enough time to go to the Santa Monica Pier like we planned/hoped so we ended up going to the park because that's how the cool kids roll ;D xD
The park was definitely memorable. Lalala it was chill. We enjoyed the whole "releashing your inner kid" ordeal x]
After that, we had to go back because the HB was supposed to start at 6:30PM however, I ended up not going because I gave my mom my ticket for Mother's Day. She loves SS501 and I know how badly she wanted to see Hyunjoon in person so I was feeling nice and gave her my ticket so she took my place and went with Court. Which left me 4 hours to do absolutely nothing at the hotel. Haha, bonding time with dad much? lol but after a while, I got bored and chilled by the pool by myself. Then I ventured around the hotel and there was this creepy guy following me so I freaked out and ran back to my room lol. Then I took a nap but yeah. It was chill and good rest after a long and hot day.

But yeah, despite the failed plans, it was still a lot of fun :] I definitely won't forget that day xD

ANDANDAND then the weekend after was the EPIK HIGH CONCERT IN SF! :D
Met up with Lauren Friday night and we went to SF together. We friggin had to walk up super steep hills but whatever, once we got there it was like Asian heaven xD The place was flocked with Asian people :3
Uhmmm but we didn't get shirts D: There was a friggin mob around the table and there was this big white guy yelling at everyone haha. So we found our seats WHICH WERE SUPER DUPER CLOSE TO THE STAGE :O --Section 1, Row 3 ;D It was lovely.
The concert lineup went as follows: Far East Movement, Kero One, then Epik High 8D
Far East Movement was realllly upbeat and fun. THEY THREW A PAIR OF SEXY SHOES TO THE CROWD. UGGGH WE WERE SO CLOSE, FRIGGIN COURT SHOULDA RAN AND ATTACKED THE GUY WHO CAUGHT THEM D: They were super sexy shoes ;_; And they also threw like, two shirts but we didn't get them D: But chyeah. Dammit Lauren and I were supposed to rape the guy with the purple backpack and sexy purple shoes ;__; ...we forgot. lol
Kero One was chill. Kinda boring at first but it was okay. Took them a while to set up their stuff due to technical difficulties but I think everyone was kinda bleh during his perf because we were all anticipating Epik High x] HAHA, there was this random weird lady on the stage with Kero One and she like, danced awkwardly in the background. We had fun watching her awkwardness. xD
THENTHENTHEN EPIK HIGH CAME ON!!!!!! First they put DJ Tukutz and the beatboxing man out to get us pumped. Then Tablo, Mithra, and MYK came on. IT WAS AMAZINGGGG. THEY'RE AMAZINGGGGG. TABLO'S SO SEXY IN PERSON<3 He spit water on Lauren and I, TWICE ;D I was so happy. LOL. Omg they were sooo nice and humble and cute and such dorks. TABLO IS SO SEXY IN PERSON! AHH I STILL CAN'T GET OVER THAT. We were SOOO close to them too @__@ Ahhhhh. I want his beanie x_x
At one point, the whole crowd ran up to the stage so there was a mosh pit surrounding the WHOLE stage. We couldn't get to the front so Lauren and I ended up standing on the armrests of our seats xD Which put us straight in front, and higher than everyone else. So close, I could almost reach Tablo if he stretched his arm out far enough. HE SMILED AT ME @_@ MITHRA DID TOO :D AND THE BEATBOX MAN :D AND MYK! Wahhh<3
The concert was just alltogether fun. OH, and at one point Jommi came over to say hi xD He's so short bahah :]

So then after the concert, Court and I spent the night over at Lauren's house. GOODTIMES x]
We talked about a lot of stuff and had some interesting phone calls with other people. HAHA, I LOVE LAUREN'S MAN VOICE. We screamed so much at the concert, we practically lost our voices. I managed to preserve mine but Lauren's was practically gone so she sounded like a pedo old man when she talked because of the huskiness xD<3 Mhmm, that night was funfunfun ^^
Then the next day, Saturday, Lauren's parents dropped us off at my house and then Jommi and Steeb came over. Then we went to Emeryville to watch Star Trek ^^ Mm, oh we went to Cold Stones before the movie ^-^ BUT ZOMG STAR TREK IS SO GOOD. I DEMAND YOU TO WATCH IT, NAO. :D Thennn after that we chilled at Barnes and Nobles til Lauren and I had to go.

Two great weekends. I'm happy. (:

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